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How Can Hoteliers Manage Higher Technology Expectations?

January 11, 2022 Robert Arnold
Higher Tech Expectations

Vizergy President Robert Arnold recently participated in Questex Hospitality’s Executive Roundtable, sponsored by Sabre, where they discussed how the hospitality industry can utilize technology in their operations to improve the guest experience. As an expert on technology driven digital marketing for hospitality, Arnold commented on the strengths of these technologies, as well as limitations for hoteliers.

As guests become more tech-savvy, hotels are expected to follow suit. However, with hospitality facing an ongoing labor shortage, there have been challenges in giving guests their ideal experience. “The folks that used to be responsible for maximizing those technologies, in many cases, are no longer there. So, you’re forced to do more with less and make heads or tails of all this stuff,” Arnold commented. He continued, “those are highly technical roles; they require a fairly high acumen and you guys are having to figure out how to make it work for you.”

Read more about HM’s Executive Roundtable here

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