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Tag - Website Personalization

Personalization Improves Conversions

February 25, 2021
By: Kristen Sullivan   In a world where hyper-targeted ads have been deemed “creepy” and “intrusive,” the fact remains that people prefer personalized messaging that comes from data collection. Most consumers like seeing content applicable to their lives and interests as opposed to something irrelevant. According to  Statista , 90% of consumers find marketing content personalization appealing, and they are more responsive to tailored messages. However, there is a fine line between personalized marketing and marketing that is down-right invasive. The goal is to find a happy ...
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Vizergy Launches Sleek New Website for Beachcomber Resort & Club

July 09, 2020
beachcomber resort and villas
Site showcases multi-million-dollar renovation and addresses ADA compliance   Beachcomber Resort & Club in Pompano Beach, FL, has partnered with Vizergy Digital Marketing to launch a new website unveiling its multi-million-dollar renovation featuring a stunning new look and wide array of ...
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Local Personalization for Hotels

September 26, 2019
Girl checking internet on macbook
Website Personalization continues to be a hot topic in the travel industry and today’s marketers have plenty of opportunity to personalize their users experience. Personalization is a simple step to improve website conversions for hotel properties. Vizergy’s CMS & platform makes it easy for hoteliers to personalize content for target audiences. Segmenting visitors by ...
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Crafting Personalized Campaigns to Drive Direct Bookings

Once you determine a desired target audience, you can begin crafting personalized campaigns that speak to a specific demographic. Mapping personalized content to deliver to a unique audience improves direct bookings on a hotel website. Since the home page is a major landing spot for most visitors, this is where a lot of the ...
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Creating Unique Experiences for Hotel Website Visitors

Creating unique experiences for website visitors using personalization tactics starts with determining target audiences. Mapping audiences by similar attributes such as new or return visitors, visitors from a specific campaign, from social networks, mobile visitors or a visitor from a certain geographic location will help craft content that speaks to each audience best. ...
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The Importance of Personalization

Website personalization is all the rage in the travel industry right now and today’s marketers have plenty of opportunity to personalize their users experience. Personalization is a simple step to improve website conversions for hotel properties. Vizergy’s CMS & platform  makes it easy to personalize content and travel suppliers must, because ...
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