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Vizergy® Teams with Sabre Hospitality at AAHOACON 2022

April 07, 2022
Sabre with Vizergy
Long standing partners bring together best in class digital marketing and distribution services.
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Expert Panel:
2021 Google Updates

January 11, 2022 Trish Leighton
For SEO professionals, 2021 can be summed up in two words: algorithm updates. Last year, we saw an unprecedented number of search algorithm changes and tests that made the search result landscape far more volatile than in previous years. Some of these were confirmed by Google, and we were given some insight into what they ...
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2021 Google Updates

Personalization Improves Conversions

February 25, 2021
By: Kristen Sullivan   In a world where hyper-targeted ads have been deemed “creepy” and “intrusive,” the fact remains that people prefer personalized messaging that comes from data collection. Most consumers like seeing content applicable to their lives and interests as opposed to something irrelevant. According to  Statista , 90% of consumers find marketing content personalization appealing, and they are more responsive to tailored messages. However, there is a fine line between personalized marketing and marketing that is down-right invasive. The goal is to find a happy ...
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Data: The Secret to Successful Digital Marketing

March 09, 2020
online success with technology
Achieving more success online starts with knowing your customers. By leveraging existing data assets, personalized marketing campaigns can be developed to target specific audiences - resulting in higher returns on investment.  New Epsilon research found that 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when a brand offers them personalized experiences. With ...
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