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Let's Talk Search Intent and Keyword Strategy

November 16, 2022 Trish Leighton
hands at a laptop
At Vizergy, one of the first things we do when we begin an SEO campaign is map out a keyword strategy. Since the searches you want your site to show up for start with a phrase, we need to invest time and thought into this foundational element of SEO. While many people would assume just ...
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COVID-19 Recovery Series: Welcome Back Guests with Certainty

July 23, 2020 Kristen Sullivan
woman Thailand pool
With travel resuming after the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, travelers are looking for newly implemented safety procedures when determining which hotels to patron. More companies are taking the approach of digitalizing certain aspects of their business to create a contact-less experience that guests will appreciate. Having an interactive, user-friendly website serves as the foundation of your ...
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COVID-19 Recovery Series: Distribution Strategy

June 11, 2020
vizergy_hotel global distribution
Hotel distribution has become increasingly complicated for hoteliers to manage and make the most of each channel that presents an opportunity to sell rooms. The growth in online travel agencies, including their high commissions and stranglehold over paid search activity on Google was a dominant feature of the hotel landscape over the last decade. Over the last few ...
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COVID-19 Recovery Series: Social Media Marketing

May 27, 2020
social media marketing during covid19
The coronavirus lockdown has forced everyone to stay inside their homes and the isolation from friends and loved ones means consumers are using social media more than they ever have. Reports have shown a 61% increase in social media engagement since the lockdown. That makes social media channels like Facebook and Instagram a ...
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COVID-19 Recovery Series: Email Marketing

May 21, 2020
email marketing after covid-19
While our industry continues to deal with a state of travel that is breaking all norms, there is actually an opportunity to solidify relationships with your audience. A strong email marketing strategy will keep loyal guests engaged and can even be a source of positive news to your audience as you lead them down the booking path for the future. When they ...
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COVID-19 Recovery Series: Adopting a Data-First Approach to Your Marketing

data marketing strategies_TargetingHub
With life slowing down for so many of us during the shutdown, it is a good opportunity to reflect on where we are and how we can improve on ourselves, both personally and professionally. In order to put together a solid marketing plan after COVID-19, we are encouraging our clients to take a close look ...
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COVID-19 Recovery Series: Digital Marketing Management for Restaurants

May 14, 2020 Jen Cialfi
restaurant digital marketing after covid19_vizergydigitalmarketing
For restaurants, it is important to stay connected with customers both now and as you begin to reopen and adjust to the "new normal" after this COVID-19 pandemic. Your customers are as eager to get back in your restaurants as you are to start serving them again. Just because customers may not be able ...
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Attracting Business and Leisure Travelers After COVID-19

As states and countries relax their restrictions on quarantine and social distancing, airlines and hotels will likely start offering generous discounts in order to generate demand and entice travelers back out into the world beyond their front doorstep.  It is already becoming clear that travel segments and behavior are changing as a result of coronavirus and hotels should plan now for ...
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COVID-19 Recovery Series: Boosting Natural Search Traffic

increasing natural search traffic after COVID-19
With COVID-19 disrupting the hospitality space so intensely, we are left wondering what the landscape will look like as we emerge on the other side of this pandemic. With hotels having to shut their doors, airlines flying mostly empty planes, and travel at a near standstill, the only silver lining is the time we now ...
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COVID-19 Recovery Series: Media Budgets & Targeting

April 30, 2020
Amongst the many uncertainties and changes COVID-19 has brought upon the world, one thing is certain: the coronavirus crisis will end and people will travel again.   There is pent-up demand for travel, in fact there’s already a term for it in China “revenge travel”, those who intend to travel to make up for lost time or because quarantine is ...
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COVID-19: Management During a Crisis

April 22, 2020
COVID-19 Crisis Management Plan
It’s been over a month since COVID-19 travel bans and social distancing mandates have forced the hospitality industry, and much of the world, into a state of shutdown. The coronavirus has changed the way we live our lives and do business.  Above all else this is a humanitarian crisis, and we’re grateful that the Vizergy ...
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