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Tag - Mobile Design

Do You Need to Update Your Website?

March 20, 2023 Daisy Tackett
woman sitting on bed, sipping from a mug, on a laptop
Your website is your virtual storefront, and it needs to look sharp, welcoming, and up-to-date. If your website looks like it's from the '90s, potential guests will assume your hotel is stuck in the past. So, let's dive into why having an updated website is so vital for hoteliers. User Experience ...
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Vizergy Launches New Website Projects a World Apart

Dubbel Dutch and Villa Escalesia
Vizergy Digital Marketing announced the launch of two stunning new websites. The focus of both projects center on best practices in design, guest engagement, conversion and storytelling.
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Why Restaurants Need Optimized Websites

September 24, 2019
Liquid Therapy Website
Vizergy recently partnered with Liquid Therapy, a waterfront bar in Ocean City, Maryland to launch a colorful, one-page website with everything you need to know all in one place. Liquid Therapy chose to use Vizergy’s craft template, Equinox, to tell their story best with imagery, a menu widget, large-image promotional areas, contact form and ...
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