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Tag - Google Hotel Search

Let's Talk Search Intent and Keyword Strategy

November 16, 2022 Trish Leighton
hands at a laptop
At Vizergy, one of the first things we do when we begin an SEO campaign is map out a keyword strategy. Since the searches you want your site to show up for start with a phrase, we need to invest time and thought into this foundational element of SEO. While many people would assume just ...
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Optimize Your Website for "Crawlers"

February 24, 2021 Joseph Leo
Hotel SEO
The Ultimate in “Book Now” Prose: Part 2
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Micro-Weddings & Minimonies: Small-Scale Celebrations

January 21, 2021 Kristen Sullivan
Micro-Weddings & Minimonies: Adapting Your Hotel for Small-Scale Celebrations Lavish, over-the-top weddings with extensive guest lists are a thing of the past, at least for the near future. Post-pandemic couples are opting for smaller, more intimate events to celebrate their big day, either with a micro-wedding or a minimony; elopements are also on the ...
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COVID-19 Recovery Series: Boosting Natural Search Traffic

increasing natural search traffic after COVID-19
With COVID-19 disrupting the hospitality space so intensely, we are left wondering what the landscape will look like as we emerge on the other side of this pandemic. With hotels having to shut their doors, airlines flying mostly empty planes, and travel at a near standstill, the only silver lining is the time we now ...
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COVID-19 Recovery Series: Media Budgets & Targeting

April 30, 2020
Amongst the many uncertainties and changes COVID-19 has brought upon the world, one thing is certain: the coronavirus crisis will end and people will travel again.   There is pent-up demand for travel, in fact there’s already a term for it in China “revenge travel”, those who intend to travel to make up for lost time or because quarantine is ...
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You’ve Gotta E-A-T to Rank in Search Engine Results

November 11, 2019
Google continually makes changes to improve their search results each day. Most changes aren’t noticeable but when an update contains actionable information, Google gives advanced notice and advice on how to respond those updates.
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Google’s New Algorithm Update – BERT

November 05, 2019
​Google has recently announced what they consider a major algorithm update, what many are calling their most important in the last 5 years.
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Importance Of Having A Secure Website

October 24, 2019
As of 2018, all websites must meet the 2018 SSL Standards for Data Security and Privacy Protection.
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What Hoteliers Need to Know About Staying Relevant with Google Hotel Ads

It’s no secret that Google has played a significant role in the hospitality industry when it comes to online searches and generating direct bookings vs indirect bookings via OTAs. Online travelers often turn to Google when researching hotels, resulting in millions of hotel search queries each day. With so many eyes on these search ...
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Forget OTAs – Hotelier’s Biggest Competitor for Direct Bookings is Google

Google ads
Our Senior Manager of Search Marketing Services, Trish Leighton, dives into hotelier’s new biggest competition for direct bookings; Google. Over the last several years, we’ve seen Google become a major player in the travel industry. In the last six months in particular, Google has gone from search engine to booking engine, causing more than a few worried glances among ...
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