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COVID-19 Recovery Series: Boosting Natural Search Traffic

increasing natural search traffic after COVID-19
With COVID-19 disrupting the hospitality space so intensely, we are left wondering what the landscape will look like as we emerge on the other side of this pandemic. With hotels having to shut their doors, airlines flying mostly empty planes, and travel at a near standstill, the only silver lining is the time we now ...
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COVID-19 Recovery Series: Media Budgets & Targeting

April 30, 2020
Amongst the many uncertainties and changes COVID-19 has brought upon the world, one thing is certain: the coronavirus crisis will end and people will travel again.   There is pent-up demand for travel, in fact there’s already a term for it in China “revenge travel”, those who intend to travel to make up for lost time or because quarantine is ...
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Hotel PPC Search & Display Advertising Explained

ppc search
Pay-per-click search and display advertising  are both effective ways for hoteliers to market their properties to online travelers. Both highly targeted strategies, these types of  digital marketing campaigns drive qualified and likely to convert travelers to your hotel website . What’s The Difference? Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Search Advertisements Pay-Per-Click ...
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