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Tag - online success

Building a Great Marketing Calendar

July 13, 2021 Kristen Sullivan
Planning Your Marketing Calendar
Capturing and keeping consumers’ attention is no easy feat, especially with all the information they’re bombarded with daily. It’s crucial to remain visible by maintaining a consistent and on-going digital presence throughout the year. Building a well-thought marketing calendar will ensure you have several solid ideas rather than throwing something together at the last minute ...
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Data: The Secret to Successful Digital Marketing

March 09, 2020
online success with technology
Achieving more success online starts with knowing your customers. By leveraging existing data assets, personalized marketing campaigns can be developed to target specific audiences - resulting in higher returns on investment.  New Epsilon research found that 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when a brand offers them personalized experiences. With ...
Read More About Data: The Secret to Successful Digital Marketing

