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Personalization Improves Conversions

February 25, 2021

By: Kristen Sullivan  

In a world where hyper-targeted ads have been deemed “creepy” and “intrusive,” the fact remains that people prefer personalized messaging that comes from data collection. Most consumers like seeing content applicable to their lives and interests as opposed to something irrelevant. According to Statista, 90% of consumers find marketing content personalization appealing, and they are more responsive to tailored messages. However, there is a fine line between personalized marketing and marketing that is down-right invasive. The goal is to find a happy medium by providing useful and relevant content; doing so helps you build relationships with guests and increase conversions. 

What sort of things should you be personalizing? 

One way to provide personalization is through your website. Most content management systems (CMS) allow you to personalize different sections of your site depending on the type of user currently viewing the page. A good place to start is with personalized header images or calls-to-action. For instance, if you have a return user who visited your wedding page during their last session, one idea would be to present them with a homepage header image of your event venue and information on a special bridal package. The key is to show them content you know interests them! 

Emails are another wonderful way to provide personalized messages to your guests. Simply starting the email with a person’s name is enough to capture their attention, but don’t stop there – the content of your email should also be as relevant as possible. Do you happen to know their birthday or anniversary date? Send them an email prior to the special day with a unique offer for a weekend getaway. Does their guest profile indicate they are interested in food and wine? Alert them of a local food truck festival that’s taking place just down the street from your hotel.  

Remarketing ads allow you to target individuals who already expressed interest in your hotel but may need a little nudge to get them to book. These ads should be as personalized as possible and display images and text that appeal to a particular audience. For example, if you have a group of users who visited your meetings page, your remarketing ads should reference this to remind them of the great group packages you offer. 

How do you collect the information needed for personalization? 

An effortless way to collect personal information is through a newsletter/email sign-up option in the footer of your website. These simple forms typically ask only for a user's email address with the promise of delivering occasional special offers; more sophisticated versions (usually in the form of a collapsible pop-out) collect additional information such as full name, zip code, and even special interests. According to a survey by Accenture, 83% of consumers are willing to share their data to create a more personalized experience. Gathering as much information as possible during the booking process allows you to offer personalized upgrade offers for any upcoming stays and create tailored emails to encourage future visits.  

A more sophisticated way to gather information is by setting up guest profiles or loyalty programs either through your website or within an app. In the same survey by Accenture, respondents said they would welcome the use of “living profiles” that allowed them to provide personal information to “curate the experiences, offers, and products they receive.” These guest profiles allow frequent visitors to digitally check in or out, book special amenities, and plan their next trip. More importantly, it allows you to gather additional information and provide a more customized experience.  

Additionally, various Data Marketing Platforms can help you make sense of all the information you collect and harness it to create segmented campaigns that attract users throughout the various stages of their customer journey. Vizergy has developed the hospitality industry’s first Data Marketing Platform called TargetingHub, which assists hoteliers with delivering the right message to the right customers at the right time. Our platform integrates with your Property Management System (PMS) to identify key insights and creates unique audiences you can target with hyper-personalized messaging in emails, social media, and paid media campaigns.  

Personalization is a great way to grow your relationship with customers, but if done incorrectly it can make people weary of your brand. Once you’ve grown your database of personal information, it’s important to use it wisely, keeping your guests’ best interests in mind. For more information on how to implement personalization on your website, contact Vizergy Digital Marketing. 



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