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Vizergy Announces New Website

August 10, 2022 Daisy Tackett
vizergy home page

We love building websites for hotels, restaurants, management companies, and brands – it’s one of the things we’re experts at. However, when we looked at our own site, we realized we had spots for improvement and set out on the journey to create a fresh, updated website to properly showcase our products and services.

The process was long and challenging, but totally worth it. Between building sites for our many clients, we set out to update the pages, the formatting, and the content to bring everything up to date. This project involved collaboration from every corner of Vizergy–from Design, Copy, Corporate Marketing, and the Executive teams. Gabe Hovatter, one of our Web Developers, spoke to this collaboration, saying “I am proud of how so many of our departments came together to make our new website a reality. It was a long collaborative effort but I think the final product is a great example of how we can make websites a reality for our clients.” 

One of our favorite parts of the build involved playing with animation on the site. It makes the content come alive and not only draws the eye to our design skills, but also adds dimension to the copy and our services.

gif of vizergy animation

Our “Solutions” tab allowed us to get into the mindset of “what can our products and services do for our clients” rather than just listing simple explanations. We sorted based on the regular concerns and goals of our clients, so they know what solutions we offer for their specific needs. For example, if a client is interested in getting more guests into their property, they know that SEO, Paid Media, Email Marketing, and Database Marketing are options to generate new guests.

screenshot of drop down menu

We also utilized a number of custom widgets to make the site more interesting and navigable. Reflecting on elements of the site, Gabe said “We realized that just like our customers, we can use custom widgets to our advantage as long as there is a good idea behind it.” 

Through collaboration, creativity, and technical knowledge, we were able to create an updated site we’re proud of. If you’d like to freshen up your site, add a new custom widget, or reimagine it entirely, let’s talk.

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